3 Of The Many Benefits Of Using Games For Education In Thailand.

The time will come as a parent, when you have to loosen the reins a little and let your kid spend time with other people. As a parent this is hard to do and if you are the main care giver, even more so. You think that your kid can’t do without you and that nobody else can take care of them like you do. You may be right up to a point, but there are skills that you can’t teach your child that a nursery school teacher can. This is the starting point for all children and it usually begins about the age of 3 or so.
When they go to nursery school, they learn a range of skills that they need in order to get on well with other kids. These social skills are essential if your child is to make a success of themselves in life. The best nursery in Bangkok will provide your kid with an environment that is both fun and educational. These will be the best days of their young lives and they will look forward to going to nursery school and this prepares them properly for the next stage which is a primary school. In the nursery they will do learning games to improve their skills.
Playing games in the classroom are of great benefit to these young students and here are some reasons why that is.
- Playing games motivate your child to want to learn more. They learn to pay attention, learn that there are rules in the game, the same as life and they get to involve themselves in team tasks with the other kids. Your child can take responsibility for their own learning and this sets them up to be more mature and responsible adults later. They will make new friends and experience what it is like to lose in a game and how to handle that disappointment.
- In order to play games, kids need to be adept at solving problems and this is a great way for them to learn how to figure things out with the tools that they have. They may fail at first, but it is all a learning curve and eventually they will complete the task. They will learn about accomplishment and how it feels to do something successfully and their teacher will give them lots of praise for that.
- Handing out worksheets to young children can have a negative effect as they feel pressured to get the answers right and quickly. Playing games can still get them to the answers that they seek, but is a less stressful manner. The point of a nursery school is to have fun and to learn, having fun. There’s lots of time later for seriousness when they join primary school.
If you want your child to get the best start in their young lives, then get them enrolled in a nursery school today. You would be surprised how long the waiting lists are for these popular places.